Monday, March 2, 2009

20-Minute Workout

So I have decided to workout. THIS time, I'm starting slow and building my endurance. In times past, I'd hit the ground running and burn out quickly. But I'm determined to start fresh, change my lifestyle and live better. I have people around me inspiring and encouraging me. Besides 20 minutes is not a lot of time. I believe this is going to be good. But snack time, runs into my efforts.

I have a sweet tooth. I admit it. Admission is the first step to recovery. I like sweets. I'm working at it. I have succeeded in not drinking a soda in the last 10 days. Every day that goes by is another day I succeed at numbing the sweet tooth. But tonight, I had a bit of slip up.

Well maybe not a slip up but as my friend said, I was driving up my energy levels for that oh-so-intense workout. I had some vanilla Oreo cookies. They are so good! I figured I'd eat one. But one turned to three. Yet to show how good I am at multi-tasking, I munched the cookies, downed 8 ounces of water, texted one of my girls and watched one of my favorite wedding shows all while working out for 20 minutes on the treadmill. Wow.

I walked .85 of a mile. I burned 132 calories. The cookies were 170. I owe myself 38 calories. Hmmm...I guess I'll make it a point to run to the train or bus tomorrow. You have to give it to me for making the best use of my time. LOL! The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.

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