Tuesday, January 20, 2009

President Barack Obama!

I can honestly say that I never thought I'd ever see this day. I am, as my blog title states, 30-something. I was born during the post-Civil Rights period of American History. I didn't march on Washington or do sit-ins in Selma. I grew up to inherit the immediate results of the movement. I grew up knowing I had the right to vote and attending integrated schools. I celebrated Black History month and cheered the achievements of blacks in every arena on every level. I was raised to believe that I could do and/or be anything. Yet, I never thought that in my time I would ever see a black president.

Words cannot explain the joy and excitement I feel, coupled with the sadness of knowing so many who went before me who were unable to live to see this day. My father included. But it reminds me of Abraham who hoped against hope and believed God though he did not see the fruit of what he believed in his lifetime. He was counted among the champions of faith in the book of Hebrews. In that remembrance, I am comforted and eternally grateful.

Like Obama, I stand on the shoulders of so many who went before me so that I may have the opportunities I enjoy. I don't take it lightly or for granted. I glorify Almighty God for privileging me to live at this time in history. I pray I will please God in all I do and honor the lives and memories of those who paved the way. I pray that the wisdom of God will guide and direct me for His purpose. I pray this husband, my children, my family and our generations. I pray this, also, for my president, Barack Obama. Halleluia!!!

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