Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Strange Things I Like

I was thinking of weird things I like. I hope this will encourage others to share their strange likes. I like empty trash cans. I know this is strange. But I do. In my house, when the trash bag in the trashcan is full, everyone tends to push everything down until it can’t take anymore. Then you have hustle to pull the trash bag out of the trashcan hoping it doesn’t burst before it’s removed. The bag inevitably becomes too heavy and you just hope it doesn’t burst before the trash truck comes for a pickup tomorrow.

Yet after all the heaving and sweating and huffing and struggling to remove the overstuffed bag, another clean, unused bag is put in its place. It’s empty. The trashcan runs deep. When you drop an article of trash into the receptacle, it disappears to the bottom. Aaahhh! Space is a beautiful thing! I really like empty trashcans.

One would think that we’d remove a nearly full trash bag before it overflows, if for no other reason than to accelerate getting to an empty trashcan, but that would be too easy. What weird things do you like?


Anonymous said...

I must take out the trash first. Tomorrow is trash day

Anonymous said...

Weird things, right? How about the intoxicating smell of gasoline fumes at the pump. :-)