Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Birds fly south for Spring? My take on the weather.

I was driving this evening heading east on the highway. I saw a huge flock of birds flying south. It is now March 3rd. Granted it's just too cold. But winter is almost over. Thank God.

Let me digress a bit. I am not a cold-weather person. I am so tropical it's ridiculous. Give me 90-degree high humidity day I will sweat, complain a little, cool off in the AC, go out again and have a ball. But today it was 18 degrees when I left the house this morning. And windy. That wind is like insult to injury. The only good thing about cold weather to me is staying warm. When I get cold, like today, the cold gets into my bones and it takes a while to warm up. I'd rather cool off than warm up.

It is said that March comes in like a lion. It came in roaring yesterday with a snowstorm. Great way to start the work week. Anyway, it became horribly cold since then. Fortunately, they're predicting 60+ degrees this weekend. I hope they're right. We all know how that can go.

So I'm driving on the highway, enjoying the fact that at 6pm the sun is just going down. Then I hear on radio that daylight savings is this weekend and that I and all affected by it will lose an hour's sleep. Great! I still owe myself at least three.

ANYWAY, as I'm enjoying the dusk of the day, I see this flock of birds heading south (I know it was south because I was headed east and south was to my right. I have a great sense of direction). There were hundreds of them. I guess they figured winter was just starting with this crazy cold air. They're confused. Like the rest of us who thought, surely some sign of spring would begin to show by now. For goodness sake, it's March!

Actually, those birds have the right idea. The Bahamas sound pretty good about now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So much for global warming.