Monday, November 8, 2010

“♪I Want To Leave a Legacy…..♪”

“♪…How will they remember me?
Did I choose to love? Did I point to You enough
To make a mark on things?
I want to leave an offering
A child of mercy and grace who
blessed your name unapologetically
And leave that kind of legacy♪” Chorus to “Legacy” by Nichole Nordeman

I was listening to this song on the way to work this morning. Whenever this song comes on it reminds me of something that is very important to me: leaving the legacy of Christ to my generations. I wonder how many people think about their future; not the one they will live in but the one that will outlive them. I often pray for my children, their children, their children’s children and beyond. I want to sow the seed of prayer and supplication on their behalf now. I know that my life is blessed because of the prayer of my parents, their parents and those before them.

I have recently come to grips with my tendency to judge myself rather harshly. It’s as if I expected perfection from myself, knowing I’m an imperfect individual. It was all in an attempt to do and be the best I could for my children. But it was futile. I never realized that it was making things worse. In my harsh self-judgment, I didn’t realize I was forging a legacy of the same for my children.

I have, since, changed my mind about myself. I am learning to extend to myself grace and appreciate the Lord’s grace and mercy towards me. I’m not perfect and really don’t need to be. I am basking in the joy of the Lord’s salvation. I did nothing to earn and don’t deserve it. No need to be guilty or beat myself up for it. I get to enjoy it. What an amazing gift! This gift I hope and pray I will give to my children: enjoyment of the Lord’s gift of salvation.

Part of the legacy I’m leaving is rooted in what my children see in me day to day. I know the things I remember and even practice as a result of what my mother taught and showed me. So in my imperfection, I pray the Lord will help me to leave the legacy that will please His heart and bless my children.

Defining my legacy and what I’d like to leave is always evolving and changing. But one thing about it doesn’t change for me: let your foundation be Christ. Build upon Him. What kind of legacy would you like to leave for your descendants?

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