Thursday, November 4, 2010

Rush Hour Traffic. Grrrrr!

Ok let's talk about the things that make us go "beep, beep; come on!" Driving in this morning (on my way to work) I was reminded of the fact that PEOPLE CAN'T DRIVE when it's raining! I understand the need to drive slower and take your time to avoid an accident. But oh my goodness, 20mph in a 65?! I'm just saying.

Some people maintain a good distance between their cars and the cars in front of them. Totally understandable. But (I ask this question in dry weather and in rain) why do people have to cut you off to get in front of you. If there are only a few feet between me and the next car, there is no room for YOU, Mr. Icuteveryoneoffbecauseobviouslymyappointmentismoreimportantthantheirs!

Murphy's law says if anything can go wrong, it will (though I've found out that it all works out in the end. Thank You Jesus!). Murphy's law of traffic says (I'm making this up. Lol!) if you're ever in a hurry, the person in the car in front of you is not.

I'm on the exit ramp eager to catch my train and quickly running out of time. The cars in front of me apparently don't have to be there until tomorrow. To that I say "PULL OVER!". :-D

Have a God-blessed day everyone!


AJ said...

LMAO!!!! Well be carefull as you may be the slow driver next time.

Bee said...

LOL This is sooo true!! The worst is when you're behind someone who doesn't have to get to their destination until tomorrow, and you're on a 1 lane road and running late!! Grrr!

FAA said...

Too funny and true...

What about those drivers that speed up when they see someone trying to merge or get in front of them. What's that all about?

Anyway, speaking from personal knowledge, Ms. Saved 30something is never the slow driver. I can elaborate but the gist of it is, it's in her blood.

kat said...

Well, everytime I drive in the rain, I think about that time I slid out of control on an exit ramp and slammed into the curb. I was so pissed because I missed out on watching Michael Jordan play one of his last games. For free!!!!

So, I don't rush in the rain. I don't care if I'm late; it's better than not having your car for two weeks because you got in an accident. Or worse.

Anyway, you need to slow down!! My biggest pet peeve are people who drive like they're in an alternate universe where the road is bone dry, and they want to tailgate you like they have room to stop. In the rain!