Friday, November 5, 2010

Reading is Fundamental: To Kindle™or Not to Kindle™?

This past summer (though very busy) was a great time for reading for me. I discovered Vanessa Miller and her awesome ability to write connected story lines that 1)really engage the reader and 2)give vivid insights into the spiritual realm. Reading her novels really provoked my prayer life and I thank God for her. I discovered several other Christian fiction novelists who in one way or another challenged my faith and provoked my thinking and understanding of the Word. I just love reading. I thank God that I have been able to share this love of reading with my children.

Enter the Kindle™ (and other book reading gadgets). I admit I am not excited about them. At this point, I don't plan to join the kindle-bandwagon. When it comes to technology, I tend to take my time. (I don't follow the crowd at all!) When compact discs (CDs) came out I refused to get them. I stuck to my cassettes because it was tried and true. Eventually I came around, though. LOL!!

But with books and technology, I don't think I can let go. I love having a book to curl up with on a gray, rainy day. I like being able to turn the pages, anxious to know what happens next. Reading for me is like going on a marvelous adventure or journey. It seems the authenticity of a book is lost to a gadget where the true words could be compromised.(in other words how do I know the words to in a book I've never ready aren't altered by whomever for whatever reason). Sounds paranoid, I know. (Like a book can't be printed altered. LOL!)

To Kindle™ or not to Kindle™. Comments please! Thanks and have a great weekend!

1 comment:

AJ said...

Yeap I say PARANOID!!!!! Lol, think of it as digital vs analog. Current books are "analog" and kindle/e-readers are digital. Now I understand the need to feel the hard back in your hands and the effects of page turning can not be replaced by any electronic device but you know what? I am so down for lets go green save the earth and stop priniting, then I don't have to worry about how to dispose or buliding a library in my already crowded home. Oh well just my 2 cents.