Monday, May 2, 2011

A little color

I am not the most stylish person. I have my own style, but I don't like to shop. I'm not up on the latest brands or trends. In a lot of ways I am fashionably challenged. I'm not the dress up type. I am very happy in a comfortable pair of jeans and tennis shoes. (And a t-shirt of course!) I don't require much.

Yet lately, the other side of my feminity has started to come out. I went to a Home Goods store last weekend and loved it! All the color and the potential for awesome things to do around my house. Wooooww! It was great! I've been thinking about it and concluded that everybody needs a little color in their life!

My home is not an HGTV masterpiece. It would never be profiled on any show showcasing homes. But it's home to me. Nonetheless, I still fantasize about it being nicely put together like those HGTV digs. I'd love it to be designed with thoughtful touches and well-placed accessories. The most well-placed accessory in my house is usually a shoe I trip over or a coat on the chair in the kitchen. I fuss over it and roll my eyes. But I secretly rejoice that my house is not too orderly. My children are a precious gift. Those precious gifts are wrecking my house! LOL!!!(Thank You Lord!)

All the same, I dream of wonderful things I can do to make my house more... HGTV. I could hang up an amazing painting and totally transform a space. I could be inspired to make amazing changes throughout a room by simply placing a fine, sculpted vase on a table. Inspiration can come from anywhere. Here is where I have started:

A vase of flowers. I have had all sorts of flowers on my table lately. Tulips, carnations, a persevering African violet and now roses. I don't know. I love the splash of color flowers bring. They really can transform a table and make it something special.

Maybe I'm just bored. Maybe I'm just starting to explore my stylish side. LOL! I don't know. I know I'm seeking to be inspired to do something different. In every area of life, a little color never hurt anybody. ;-D

What inspires you?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You are unstopable my dear. God is on your side.