Monday, November 8, 2010

“♪I Want To Leave a Legacy…..♪”

“♪…How will they remember me?
Did I choose to love? Did I point to You enough
To make a mark on things?
I want to leave an offering
A child of mercy and grace who
blessed your name unapologetically
And leave that kind of legacy♪” Chorus to “Legacy” by Nichole Nordeman

I was listening to this song on the way to work this morning. Whenever this song comes on it reminds me of something that is very important to me: leaving the legacy of Christ to my generations. I wonder how many people think about their future; not the one they will live in but the one that will outlive them. I often pray for my children, their children, their children’s children and beyond. I want to sow the seed of prayer and supplication on their behalf now. I know that my life is blessed because of the prayer of my parents, their parents and those before them.

I have recently come to grips with my tendency to judge myself rather harshly. It’s as if I expected perfection from myself, knowing I’m an imperfect individual. It was all in an attempt to do and be the best I could for my children. But it was futile. I never realized that it was making things worse. In my harsh self-judgment, I didn’t realize I was forging a legacy of the same for my children.

I have, since, changed my mind about myself. I am learning to extend to myself grace and appreciate the Lord’s grace and mercy towards me. I’m not perfect and really don’t need to be. I am basking in the joy of the Lord’s salvation. I did nothing to earn and don’t deserve it. No need to be guilty or beat myself up for it. I get to enjoy it. What an amazing gift! This gift I hope and pray I will give to my children: enjoyment of the Lord’s gift of salvation.

Part of the legacy I’m leaving is rooted in what my children see in me day to day. I know the things I remember and even practice as a result of what my mother taught and showed me. So in my imperfection, I pray the Lord will help me to leave the legacy that will please His heart and bless my children.

Defining my legacy and what I’d like to leave is always evolving and changing. But one thing about it doesn’t change for me: let your foundation be Christ. Build upon Him. What kind of legacy would you like to leave for your descendants?

Friday, November 5, 2010

Reading is Fundamental: To Kindle™or Not to Kindle™?

This past summer (though very busy) was a great time for reading for me. I discovered Vanessa Miller and her awesome ability to write connected story lines that 1)really engage the reader and 2)give vivid insights into the spiritual realm. Reading her novels really provoked my prayer life and I thank God for her. I discovered several other Christian fiction novelists who in one way or another challenged my faith and provoked my thinking and understanding of the Word. I just love reading. I thank God that I have been able to share this love of reading with my children.

Enter the Kindle™ (and other book reading gadgets). I admit I am not excited about them. At this point, I don't plan to join the kindle-bandwagon. When it comes to technology, I tend to take my time. (I don't follow the crowd at all!) When compact discs (CDs) came out I refused to get them. I stuck to my cassettes because it was tried and true. Eventually I came around, though. LOL!!

But with books and technology, I don't think I can let go. I love having a book to curl up with on a gray, rainy day. I like being able to turn the pages, anxious to know what happens next. Reading for me is like going on a marvelous adventure or journey. It seems the authenticity of a book is lost to a gadget where the true words could be compromised.(in other words how do I know the words to in a book I've never ready aren't altered by whomever for whatever reason). Sounds paranoid, I know. (Like a book can't be printed altered. LOL!)

To Kindle™ or not to Kindle™. Comments please! Thanks and have a great weekend!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Rush Hour Traffic. Grrrrr!

Ok let's talk about the things that make us go "beep, beep; come on!" Driving in this morning (on my way to work) I was reminded of the fact that PEOPLE CAN'T DRIVE when it's raining! I understand the need to drive slower and take your time to avoid an accident. But oh my goodness, 20mph in a 65?! I'm just saying.

Some people maintain a good distance between their cars and the cars in front of them. Totally understandable. But (I ask this question in dry weather and in rain) why do people have to cut you off to get in front of you. If there are only a few feet between me and the next car, there is no room for YOU, Mr. Icuteveryoneoffbecauseobviouslymyappointmentismoreimportantthantheirs!

Murphy's law says if anything can go wrong, it will (though I've found out that it all works out in the end. Thank You Jesus!). Murphy's law of traffic says (I'm making this up. Lol!) if you're ever in a hurry, the person in the car in front of you is not.

I'm on the exit ramp eager to catch my train and quickly running out of time. The cars in front of me apparently don't have to be there until tomorrow. To that I say "PULL OVER!". :-D

Have a God-blessed day everyone!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

He Restores My Soul

Image from this Link

One of the reasons I don't post daily is that some days aren't that pretty. I have had some days where if I posted my thoughts, people might have just cause to question my Christianity. Yet a discussion I had with a good friend recently made me realize perhaps I missed it.

I love the words of this bumper sticker I saw that said "Christians aren't perfect. Just forgiven." (I may have posted that once before). But it's so true. There is none among us that is perfect. I think humans, in general, suffer from the tendency to judge. We judge everyone, including ourselves. We won't acknowledge our judgment of others but are quick to point out when someone is judging us. I read Romans 2:1 and was thoroughly convicted of this truth. It says: "You, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone else, for at whatever point you judge another, you are condemning yourself, because you who pass judgment do the same things."(NIV) We could all use a good dose of humility and objectivity.

But I digress.

So much has happened over recent months and at the end of it all I can say thank You Jesus. I have been confused, terribly stressed and at times depressed. But the Lord is still good and faithful. He never leaves my side no matter how angry and frustrated I get. I find great comfort in that. I love being a born-again believer in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior because I know He has my back. Sometimes I may not perceive His work on my behalf, but He never fails me, leaves me or forsakes me. That is He will always get it right and I can trust Him, He won’t leave me alone and He won’t turn His back on me. I can honestly say I have gone through some very dark days when I couldn't say I heard from God. But I recently got this revelation of the word in Psalm 23 I know so well.

It talks about how when I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil because He is with me. In a lot of ways I have been walking through that valley. But He said His rod and staff comfort me. That rod and staff are indicative of His presence. Often times when we pass through this dark valley we don't always perceive His presence. But that rod and staff are a comfort because they remind us that He is with us. Through it all. Recently there have been days when I felt like the Lord had given up on me. He would have been justified. Yet He still burst through the darkness with His marvelous light to comfort me with His rod and His staff.

Earlier on in Psalm 23 I read "...He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters. He restores my soul..." I can truthfully say I have been broken to the point of not knowing where to go, what to do or when to do it. I thought I could not be put back together again. Yet He restored and still restores me. He refreshed me with the still water and cause me to receive His rest and peace.

I share all of this to say, you are never alone. God is always there. He cares for you and everything that concerns you. Christians still carry the same burdens non-believers carry in this life. But Who helps us along the way is the difference. I don't claim to be perfect, holier than anyone or have it all together. As a matter of fact, most people seem to have it together more than I do from my perspective. But I have learned (and I’m continuing to learn) how to trust Him to work things out for me. The truth is no matter how in control we may seem to be or try to be we are not. Only God is in control. The question is do you struggle against Whom you can never win or give up and late Him handle it? He knows what He's doing.