Thursday, December 10, 2009

Christmastime Again!

I've had this blog for one year. I've succeeded in barely keeping it up and blogging on a less-than-regular basis. Is it a wonder I never sent those Christmas cards I spoke of in my first post?! LOL! Procrastination at its best! When I reread that post, I just laughed. I'm not perfect, I make myself laugh quite a bit. In that laughter, I realized something. I am an all around comedienne. I'm hilarious! I am a trip!

Some of you may not agree, but I know how to give myself a good belly rolling laugh. Who better to laugh at than yourself. I see humor in so many things and I just love that about myself. Now I do I have to reign myself in not to be mean or harsh. But I love laughter. It just feels so good! I am always listening for the next opportunity to laugh. Just a good guffaw! Makes life awesome. "A merry heart does good like medicine.." Proverbs 17:22. I'd rather laugh than down a pill. The side effects are all good! LOL!!!

ANYWAY....the real reason for this season of celebration is the precious, priceless gift of Jesus, the Christ. I hope all of you are able to receive that gift fully. Your life will be changed and transformed. You'll never be the same. He is indescribable. Merry Christmas to all of you and I pray you have an incredible, amazing, laughter-filled new year! God bless you.

Jesus is the real reason for the season.

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