Wednesday, December 9, 2009


I've been thinking a lot lately about time. Primarily how I never seem to have enough. In today's world with so much going on and so much to do, we never seem to have enough time. Time to ponder, think, unwind....breathe. I realize, for me, that I tend to bite off more than I can chew. I love doing things. Yet when I have no choice but to sit still (like if I'm sick), I go batty. Why is that?

In the middle of all that truth, I find that I still long for simpler times, where I had time to lie on the grass and watch the clouds go by, naming their shapes OR whistle on a blade of grass. But the truth of all of this is that I realize we (people) tend to want what we don't have. When I was young and had time to loaf, I longed to be out on my own doing things. Now that I am, I want to slow down. But I know the Word and it lets me know to be content wherever I am. So back to this issue of time.

My last post was in mid-August. After that I had two weddings (I'm a wedding planner) and started a 12-week course at the local CC. No wonder I have little time! LOL! Thankfully, the class ended and Christmas is coming. More to do. LOL! But I have had the opportunity to slow down these last few days. I realized that I do have time. Even when I'm hustling along. I have time. What I do with it is what counts.

I'll use this time to thank God. He deserves so much credit for the great things I've been privileged to witness. Thank You Lord!

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