Monday, December 1, 2008

♪Christmas Time Is Here♪ I have made a decision.

Some of you may remember the song sung in the classic "Charlie Brown Christmas". I'm not even sure that's the title of the cartoon, but that's what we've always called it. Anyway, that's the song that comes to mind as I ponder the fact that Christmas time is indeed here. Time for shopping, stressing, wrapping, ripping, baking, buying, cooking and crying. It's the most wonderful time of the year!

I admit I love this time of year for many reasons. My number one reason is because as worldly as the world is, no one can deny that it's all about Jesus (no matter how hard they try to make it not about Him). It's the Lord's birthday! Now, my children look forward to making Jesus a birthday cake. So cute, but I'm biased.

Anyway, the other reason I like this time of year is the great TV shows. It's the only time I can watch Lifetime without getting freaked out. LOL!!! They're now doing Fa la la la Lifetime! Actually some of their movies are still freaky, though they're holiday themed.

Nevertheless, there is much to be said of the good cheer of this time of year. For me and my family, it's a time to reflect on the past year and pray concerning the new year to come. I have much to be grateful for. God is so good.

Now my decision for this year: I have decided to make out my Christmas card list of all the people I plan to send Christmas cards to. Last year, I bought so many cards after Christmas for so cheap. I was so proud of myself. Now I'm using my marked down cards to send Christmas greetings to everyone I know, on time!!! I figure I'll start the list, tomorrow. I'll have it completed by next Monday, the 8th. I'll mail them around the 23rd (because let's face it, names and addresses take time to accumulate, what with multiple sources of information like emails, cell phones, electronic organizers, Outlook contact lists and that 199* planner I refuse to throw away. Besides by December the 8th? Get real!). Anyway, I'll do all that (in my head of course), look up on Dec 26th, realize I've mailed nothing and go back to Walmart to buy more marked down cards, make myself proud for saving so much money and try again next year. You have to give it to me for advanced planning. At this rate, some of my card recipients may get a card by Christmas 2009.

Alas, 'Tis the Season to be Jolly'. I hope all who read this post have a wonderful Christmastime. I know I will.

P.S. I always liked that song "Good King Wenceslas", but have no idea who he was. I haven't seen his name in the Bible. I might have to google him.


Social B said...

I love it! I will definitely be logging on to read your amusing posts. I will leave you with a thought concerning our conversation earlier: Face your past without regrets, handle your present with confidence, and prepare for the future without fear.

AJ said...

WOW! Ha ha ha ... I told you this is going to be a firecracker blog ... We don't know what we are in for but my dear do you have a LOYAL fan already ... This is awesome please post more often than not and don't worry, you may find that your boldness actually inspires others... Like Arnold said "I'LL BE BACK".