Sunday, July 22, 2012

What King?

I started writing to express myself at age 11. I, particularly, loved to write poetry. Yet, I have not written poetry in many years. My heart has been crying out for the words to express myself in this way since I became a believer and follower of Christ. I have wanted to put into words what my heart knows and experiences all the time. Today those words came. I wrote two poems! I am so excited. I am sharing one of them below.  I hope you will be blessed by it:

What King?

What king would step away from his majesty,
From his glory arrayed in splendor,
From the height of his regality,
To live as a mere man,
With no money,
No visible power,
No connections,
No bed to sleep in as as a babe?

What king would forego recognition,
Give up the ability to work supernaturally,

And instantly do what it takes a man
A lifetime to achieve?

What King would accept false witness being bore against Him?
A violation of His own law.
Giving up the right to cry out "No, not Me!"

What King would allow Himself to be beaten, scourged, cursed at,
Disfigured, defiled, mistreated, maligned, spat upon and nailed to a cross
For being and admitting to who He was?
The King.  That King.

All for one mission.  All for one goal.  All to save us all.

Only one King would give His life.
Only one God would willingly give His only Son.
Only one King could be called...

...The Risen King.

And He would have done it all over for just one of us.
He is alive.  He reigns in the majesty and glory He gave up for us.
He is the King.

Only.  One.  King.


tia said...

Glory to the King who reigns forever and ever! Thank you for sharing. It is so exciting when God gives a masterpiece. Kudos!

T. A. said...

oooooooOOOOWWWWW!! go aunty! I really love this! Only one King, the risen King- to God be all the glory. Your poem is really nice- should be published in your church bulletin.