Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Domestic Diva, I'm Not!

I am coming to terms with the fact that I am not a Domestic Diva. I have tried, failed and am now resigned to the fact that I cannot do it all. I'm only one person.

I can't bring home, the bacon, fry it up in a pan and keep an immaculate home while scrapbooking every major and minor event in the lives of me, my children, my husband and our neighbors. I cannot craft a five-course gourmet meal from memory. I cannot sew a whole wardrobe for myself. I cannot (will not!) scrub and clean my home in full makeup, three-inch heels and maintain a perfect manicure. I can't do it.

I can't wash dishes, cook that five-course meal, fold tons of laundry, put them away, scrub multiple bathrooms and dust while taking out the trash and removing every speck of dust all at once! I can't do it!

I can't maintain a perfect garden that produces all the food my household will eat, homeschool my babies and keep the lawn manicured and lush. I can't paint every room every month, vacuum every single day, shampoo the carpets every other week and recycle every article of plastic, paper, glass and cardboard that passes through my house. Can't do it!

I can't do all of the above while being an overachieving, super, career woman. I can't rule the boardroom, take the C-levels by storm and rule the world from atop my throne of perfection while balancing a well-functioning, perfect home and family. I can't keep my car clean 24/7, walk around during all times of the day and night in those three-inch heels, in a perfect size 7 power suit, while amazing everyone I encounter with my high IQ and unmatched intelligence. Superwoman does not exist!!!!

I am not perfect! And you know what? I am fine with that. Phew! What a relief. I thank God that God is perfect.

Don't get me wrong. I'm no slob and I take good care of my family and everyone around me. I do my best. And my best IS good enough. I am now free of the need to do it all. I can't. Nobody can. Frankly, I don't have to.

(Image obtained Cafe Press)

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