Saturday, May 21, 2011

End of the World? I'm Not Worried

A great deal of attention has been given to the doomsdayers who claim the world will end today at 5pm. I have heard that people are selling their homes, running scared and losing their minds. Let me tell you why I don’t share their anxiety and give perspective and truth to this madness. 
First, the Bible states clearly that no one knows the exact day or hour that Christ will return. (Matthew 25:1-13). When He returns, it will not be announced. When people go around giving dates, times etc. of the end of the world, I don’t blink because I know it’s not true.
Second, the truth of the Gospel covers me. Here is the truth: no one is perfect. We are all sinners. No one is exempt. As human beings, we tend to assign a degree of offense to sins. That is we think a little white lie is no big deal compared to adultery. But to God, sin is sin. We are all guilty. Because we are sinners, we are separated from God. God is holy and perfect. Think of it as light compared with darkness. When you shine light into a dark room, the darkness is driven away. God is light. We as sinners are in darkness. (John 1:5)
Because we are sinners, we have to pay a price. The price is to die. (Romans 6:23). But that verse goes on to say that God has given the gift of eternal life. The way to receive that eternal life is through Jesus Christ, the son of God. Jesus said we must be born again to receive God’s kingdom. (John 3:1-19) The reason we Christians call Him our Savior is that He saved us from the destruction that is due anyone who does not believe in who He is and receive Him in their lives.
Don’t get it twisted. Christians still fall. With media attention on so many fallen pastors, everyone knows it’s true. But like I’ve said before, Christians are not perfect, just forgiven. We have the advantage of being forgiven when we mess up. That’s why it’s not good to judge someone who falls. You don’t know when God accepts and forgives them. Making them pay for their mistakes in this brief life will not necessarily prohibit them from eternal rejoicing. Think about it.

Christ died on the cross and rose after three days. His death was the payment for our sins. Therefore, those of us who accept Christ, receive the gift of life He paid for with His own life. After the Lord rose, He ascended into heaven where He now sits at the right hand of God. The Bible lets us know that when Christ returns, He is coming to bring us, His church, back with Him. Therefore, the “end of the world”, so to speak, is the beginning of eternal life for believers. This is why I, as a believer, am not worried.

Your question now may be how do I receive Christ? All you need to do is believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and that God raised him from the dead. You will become born again and receive Christ as your Lord and Savior. (Romans 10:1-13).
Again, don’t make the mistake of thinking that becoming a Christian is a walk in a field of daisies. But the eternal hope that comes with this walk is worth trading the uncertainty of our end outside of it. Try Christ. He won’t let you down. If the world ends today, I hope to see all of you in eternity. God bless you.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Real Talk

Most days, I’m flowing with optimism. Even when things aren’t going quite the way I’d like, I am able to still flow with the joy of the Lord. But then there are some days when that joy doesn’t seem to reach me. There are days when the light doesn’t seem to come in. When holding on seems impossible. Days when I can’t seem to get it right. There are times when I’m overwhelmed, stressed, tired, depressed, frustrated and just plain hurting. Today is one of those days. I don’t write this for sympathy or for people to call me out of concern or curiosity. I write this to share, to encourage others and let people know this truth:

Christianity is not just walking through a field of tulips, singing and laughing. Sometimes those tulips die and their petals fall to the ground like the tears on your face. Sometimes we are often hurt and disappointed or we hurt and disappoint others. Sometimes we cry while we pray. Sometimes we stand in darkness, praying for the light to come in to illuminate our path again. Sometimes the profane words in our heads come out of our mouths. Sometimes we stand in complete hopelessness and keep telling ourselves over and over “if I can just make it through today, tomorrow will be better and the day after that.”

On days like these, I know I’m walking by faith and not by sight (2 Cor 5:7, Heb 11:1). You can’t see it. You have no tangible proof it exists or that it will ever happen for you. But your hope is often times all you have. Sometimes that has to be enough. God will handle the rest. That’s real talk.

Monday, May 2, 2011

A little color

I am not the most stylish person. I have my own style, but I don't like to shop. I'm not up on the latest brands or trends. In a lot of ways I am fashionably challenged. I'm not the dress up type. I am very happy in a comfortable pair of jeans and tennis shoes. (And a t-shirt of course!) I don't require much.

Yet lately, the other side of my feminity has started to come out. I went to a Home Goods store last weekend and loved it! All the color and the potential for awesome things to do around my house. Wooooww! It was great! I've been thinking about it and concluded that everybody needs a little color in their life!

My home is not an HGTV masterpiece. It would never be profiled on any show showcasing homes. But it's home to me. Nonetheless, I still fantasize about it being nicely put together like those HGTV digs. I'd love it to be designed with thoughtful touches and well-placed accessories. The most well-placed accessory in my house is usually a shoe I trip over or a coat on the chair in the kitchen. I fuss over it and roll my eyes. But I secretly rejoice that my house is not too orderly. My children are a precious gift. Those precious gifts are wrecking my house! LOL!!!(Thank You Lord!)

All the same, I dream of wonderful things I can do to make my house more... HGTV. I could hang up an amazing painting and totally transform a space. I could be inspired to make amazing changes throughout a room by simply placing a fine, sculpted vase on a table. Inspiration can come from anywhere. Here is where I have started:

A vase of flowers. I have had all sorts of flowers on my table lately. Tulips, carnations, a persevering African violet and now roses. I don't know. I love the splash of color flowers bring. They really can transform a table and make it something special.

Maybe I'm just bored. Maybe I'm just starting to explore my stylish side. LOL! I don't know. I know I'm seeking to be inspired to do something different. In every area of life, a little color never hurt anybody. ;-D

What inspires you?