Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Children Say the Funniest Things!

This is the first of what I expect will continue over time. Sharing the funny and peculiar things my children and other children I know say:

Children say the darndest things:

I was eating and said something random. A hiccup caught me mid chew and thank God I was ok. My youngest wisely chimes in “That’s why you shouldn’t talk with your mouth full.”

My husband was dropping the children off at school on a particularly cold day. Because he was dressed a little too light for the weather that day, he was rushing them out of the car saying, “It’s cold!! Hurry up!!” My darling child was taking her sweet time getting out of the car. She looked at him and said, “if you knew it was cold, why did you dress like that?”

What can you say when the truth is laid before you?

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