Wednesday, December 31, 2008

2009, Here We Come!!! Happy New Year!!!

It’s been awhile since I last posted to this blog. It has been a whirlwind of a holiday. My family has had probably the best Christmas ever. We had a good deal of family time enjoying each others’ company. Family came from out of town and I have had a ball. My darling children enjoyed the love flowing from family and friends through gifts and fun. I am so grateful to Almighty God for His many blessings in my life.

I am particularly excited about 2009. This has been quite the roller coaster of a year. Looking back, I have seen and heard of things I never anticipated happening. Our first African-American president, the stock market crashing, wars and rumors of war. Through it all, all glory belongs to God for we are still standing. Standing on His Word with our necks stretched out expectant and eagerly awaiting His movement and His return. If you do not know Jesus as your Lord and Savior, please give your life to Him. It is a decision you will never regret; a choice for which you will be eternally grateful.

I am excited for what this year will bring because I know it is marked for greatness. I am looking forward to blogging more, sharing my thoughts and hearing from others. God bless you all and Happy New Year!

P.S. I am not prepared to send Christmas cards for 2009. I never did make that list. LOL!!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

I didn't hear you!

Why is it that when you talk to children, you have to repeat what you say to them two million times? Mind you it’s only on select topics. If I say, “Sweetie, time to go to bed”, suddenly something becomes very interesting under the dining table. Or they don’t hear me, though I’m sitting right next to them. If I call them for some perceived mundane task, by the time they actually respond to me, I get “I didn’t hear you”. But they were just in the next room. Yet I know they have perfectly good hearing. They’ve been checked out.

This selective hearing becomes evident when my next conversation goes something like this:

Mom(In my normal voice): “Sweetie come and get a piece of cake!” (Mind you I could be at home)

Child(running like the wind): “Coming Mom!” (The child could be coming from three blocks away from home, at a friend’s house playing in the basement with the door closed and the stereo blaring. And I’m not using the phone, text or other form of modern communication device!)

Go figure. Children hear what they want. I once stood in front of one of my children and said, “Come here”. I wanted my child to move closer to me so that I could reprimand them for some misdeed. The lovely child smiled innocently and did not budge.

I recalled an episode of the Cosby Show, where Bill said “come here, come here, come HERE!!” That was me. I’m sternly and loudly saying “come HERE!!!” and the child is just looking at me innocently with big curious eyes as if to say “What are saying Mother?”

You would think I’d switch my tactics to tell them to come get cake when I really want them to do a chore. But these little people are sharp as tacks. They’ll catch on after one attempt. I need to get more sophisticated. I’m usually good about being ahead of them and their little games. Come on now! I invented most of the tricks they try to pull. Hmm…Any suggestions are welcome. I’m thinking bullhorn. LOL!

Psalm 127 verse 3 says “Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, the fruit of the womb is a reward.” As I constantly repeat myself and talk loud, I am truly blessed. I thank God everyday for my little darlings. It’s all worth it. And someday, they may actually answer me on the first call or do what I say the first time I say it. Hmm…..LOL!!!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

What's that you're listening to?

Recently, I was in a clothing store doing a little shopping. I was in there long enough to hear a few songs playing over the PA system. One song I heard was an oldie (an 80s song; can you believe that it’s an oldie?!) by Lisa Stansfield called “All Around the World”. Many of you remember that song: “Been around the world and I-yi-I….” Now I don’t listen to much secular music these days, but I remember plenty from my childhood. This was a big hit back then.

I was in the store long enough to hear the whole song and basically it got into my head. As the words played over and over in my head, I noticed something made no sense.

The chorus goes:
Been around and I-yi-I, I can’t find my baby.
I don’t know and I don’t why, why he’s gone away.
And I don’t know where he can be,
My baby, but I’m gonna find him.

She goes further in the song to say:
I did too much lying,
Wasted too much time,
Now I’m here and crying…..

My question is do you think the lying and time wasting led to him leaving? Additionally, she says she doesn’t think he’s coming back. But she plans to find him. Why? If he’s not coming back, why waste MORE time. Just a thought. For me, it brought to mind the fact that some songs don’t always make sense and perhaps we should watch what we listen to.

I’m sure many of you who will read this post will recall the song to which I’m referring and even begin to sing it. It sticks in your head! (I thought about putting a hyperlink to the youtube video, but I figured, I won’t do that to you.) As I’m typing this now, the song is playing in my head. I’m about to run my media player with some uplifting music to erase the song.

A few years ago, I asked myself ‘what am I playing in my head’. Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong with songs that talk about life, love and real issues. But honestly some stuff out there is just garbage. That garbage we listen to often plants itself in our heads and our subconscious. I know songs have planted themselves into my subconscious when the song plays in my sleep. (Whew!) Seriously, sometimes that’s not always a good thing.

I remember a few years ago (before I knew Christ), there was a very vulgar (sexually degrading to women) hip hop song out that I listened to quite a bit. The reason I liked it so much was the beat. It was ridiculous how hot the beat was. It just prompted me to dance. Man did it get into my head! I would just start singing the song at random times. (Mind you, they were not always appropriate). Anyway, I loved it!

Shortly after I got into that song, I gave my life to the Lord. But I kept jamming that song. Prior to all this, I was always conscious about, at least, knowing what I was listening to. For example, have you listened to Bob Marley and wondered what he was talking about? I read a biography on him to get some clue. I learned a lot about Rastafarianism. Still didn’t get all he was talking about. Anyway…

At one point, I sat and considered what was being said in the song (the vulgar one). It was nothing nice. At that time, I had concluded I really wanted to take better control of what I fed into my spirit by music.

I, recently, mentioned the Lisa Stansfield song and my observations to one of my sisters. She said that it’s true that some songs don’t make sense. She said sometimes people just want to dance and not consider what’s being said. I agree. That’s true. But perhaps we should consider it.

The vulgar song I was referring to was called “Put it in Your Mouth”. They were not talking about ice cream. Looking back, I can’t believe I listened to mess like that.

The Bible says to meditate on whatever is true, noble, just, pure, lovely, of good report, has any virtue or is praiseworthy. I’m not perfect by any stretch of the imagination. My thoughts are not always on the positive. Many of you who know me can attest to that. But doesn’t it make sense to do what I can to let my mind go to better things. I’d rather be dreaming about something lovely and pure than something gross and degrading. Frankly, I have too much going on than to confuse myself with what makes no sense. (Lisa, he left because you lied and wasted time. Hello!!!)

Ok, I’m off my soapbox. Talk to me everyone. Tell me what you think. I think I’ll go write some Christmas cards. LOL!!! Thanks for the comments!

Monday, December 1, 2008

♪Christmas Time Is Here♪ I have made a decision.

Some of you may remember the song sung in the classic "Charlie Brown Christmas". I'm not even sure that's the title of the cartoon, but that's what we've always called it. Anyway, that's the song that comes to mind as I ponder the fact that Christmas time is indeed here. Time for shopping, stressing, wrapping, ripping, baking, buying, cooking and crying. It's the most wonderful time of the year!

I admit I love this time of year for many reasons. My number one reason is because as worldly as the world is, no one can deny that it's all about Jesus (no matter how hard they try to make it not about Him). It's the Lord's birthday! Now, my children look forward to making Jesus a birthday cake. So cute, but I'm biased.

Anyway, the other reason I like this time of year is the great TV shows. It's the only time I can watch Lifetime without getting freaked out. LOL!!! They're now doing Fa la la la Lifetime! Actually some of their movies are still freaky, though they're holiday themed.

Nevertheless, there is much to be said of the good cheer of this time of year. For me and my family, it's a time to reflect on the past year and pray concerning the new year to come. I have much to be grateful for. God is so good.

Now my decision for this year: I have decided to make out my Christmas card list of all the people I plan to send Christmas cards to. Last year, I bought so many cards after Christmas for so cheap. I was so proud of myself. Now I'm using my marked down cards to send Christmas greetings to everyone I know, on time!!! I figure I'll start the list, tomorrow. I'll have it completed by next Monday, the 8th. I'll mail them around the 23rd (because let's face it, names and addresses take time to accumulate, what with multiple sources of information like emails, cell phones, electronic organizers, Outlook contact lists and that 199* planner I refuse to throw away. Besides by December the 8th? Get real!). Anyway, I'll do all that (in my head of course), look up on Dec 26th, realize I've mailed nothing and go back to Walmart to buy more marked down cards, make myself proud for saving so much money and try again next year. You have to give it to me for advanced planning. At this rate, some of my card recipients may get a card by Christmas 2009.

Alas, 'Tis the Season to be Jolly'. I hope all who read this post have a wonderful Christmastime. I know I will.

P.S. I always liked that song "Good King Wenceslas", but have no idea who he was. I haven't seen his name in the Bible. I might have to google him.