Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Memory Lane: God's Investment

During a recent Sunday school class, I was thinking about how I came to be a saved person. I began to remember the names and faces of people God put in my life who in one way or another ministered the Gospel to me. Over several years, I learned and had so much exposure to the Lord, His Word and His Will.
As I went down this memory lane of my salvation, I couldn’t help but smile and really rejoice in my spirit because I realized that God really wanted me. He loved me so much that He invested so many people in my salvation. He started with His Son (John 3:16) and continued sending His children to bring me back to Him.
 This remembrance encouraged me so much. It made me realize how special I am to my Heavenly Father. As I type this, I struggle with feelings of inadequacy, not being good enough, loved or respected. But remembering the Lord’s investment helps me to know that regardless of how others treat me or see me, I’m special to Him.
Who has the Lord placed in your life? Who has He sent to rattle your nerves or make you think when it comes to God and your eternal life? Those people are God’s investment in your salvation. He loves you so much that He will give everything up to have you come to Him. (Matt 18:12-14, Luke 15:3-5) You are so special to Him. My prayer for all of you is that the Lord will receive the return on His investment in you. God bless you.